Thoughts and Stats

My professional history leading to becoming board certified in addiction medicine.

Why have I chosen addiction medicine? Why choose to spend 10 years training in a field in order to help patients with substance use disorders, opioid dependence, methamphetamine addiction? How about gambling, sex, internet addiction?


Who are these 40,000 dead bodies? Pretty normal people, mothers fathers brothers sisters. Normal people in your life that started taking pain killers for some ankle sprain and then continued taking them because they helped their depression.

-20,000 dead bodies from pain killers (the percocet you get from your doctor) another 20,000 from heroin and other illicit narcotics.

-Of the 20.5 million Americans 12 or older that had a substance use disorder in 2015, 2 million had a substance use disorder involving prescription pain relievers and 591,000 had a substance use disorder involving heroin

-If you try Heroin there is a 23% chance you will become addicted.

-Most folks that get addicted to pain killers switch over to heroin because its cheaper!!!.

-Heroin deaths have tripled over the